I am first a child of God – the Creator of Heaven and Earth. I am a Serial Entrepreneur, Investor, Inventor, Speaker, Result Coach and Thought Leader or Ideator. On the creative arts side of me I am a composer, song writer, singer, vocal coach and producer. I’m bilingual (English and Spanish) and will speak another four or so in the near future. I started my first business late at age 20 and has never looked back since. I’ve created and exited several businesses. My longest running venture is the MI Group of Companies which is 11 years old.
My philosophy in life has always been:
My choice determines my destiny. Whatever I do today, will affect who I am tomorrow. Therefore, I must be my tomorrow today.
I am passionate about:
Technology, education, music, entrepreneurship, health, aggregation, people and business
I love:
Adding value, reading, singing, volunteering, traveling, teaching, empowering and transforming others to become better versions of themselves.
I admire powerful and great people like:
Estemena (My Mom), Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Henry Ford, Elon Musk, Michael Jordon, Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Mother Theresa, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki and Richard Branson
Books I’ve read and plan to read:
The Holy Bible, Think Big, Lean Startup, Playing to Win, Think and Grow Rich, Top of Mind, Self-Employed, The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs, Outside Insight, Deep Work, Performance Partnerships, What If It Does Work Out?, The Entrepreneur’s Book of Actions, Goals, Think and Grow Rich, Start with Why, Rise and Grind, The Friendship Factor, The Science of Getting Rich, Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, The Greatest Salesman in the World, Read and Get Rich, The 4 Hour Work Week, Building a Story Brand, How Successful People Lead, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Parable of the Pipeline, and so many more…