Robert Kiyosaki says that “Money is an idea” and “Money doesn’t make one rich”. He goes on by saying people either have too much money or too little. The bible made mentioned of money that it “answereth all things”. It also reads in other part that “the love of money is the root of all evil…”. But still we are not able to exclude money from our lives completely or the role it plays. Those who are perceived to have enough are still desirous of more and those who are with very little or none at all would certainly welcome an increased in supply.
I have met a few people in my lifetime that are afraid of money because of what it might do to them. Money gives you power to do things you’ve perhaps never thought was possible, and the idea of having too much of it brings out a little fear in people who cannot see how useful it could be from a position of value. It helps to make dreams a reality and allow the provision of a certain way or standard of living as we see necessary.
Maybe you’ve heard of people who constantly say they can’t afford certain things or that something is too expensive? These people have created their own reality, by constantly welcoming and believing in the thought of not being able to because of no money.
Not allowing money to drive you to act in certain ways that is contrary to the good mission of man and the universe is a skill. It must be learnt and applied regularly to remain on the side of truth to the written words.
The main method of exchange will not go away anytime soon so might as well get used to the idea that being a money-magnet is not such a bad thing after all. It’s how you look at it right? No matter the viewpoint you might have on the subject, it is important and necessary.
Maybe money or the idea of money as it were will vanish in a few years. Digital currencies are already in circulations, and the day will come when our ability to earn, access or even use money will be revolutionized into something we are not thinking about today. At another time I will write about that. But for now I am almost certain that there is an agreement on the importance money and the role thereof plays in our lives. If we magnetize our ability to attract money to us, we might understand the influence of our many desires.
These are my ideas, thoughts and opinion on a particular subject. Whatever is written may contain errors and should be read as is.